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124276 (array):
product (array):
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 10698.9925
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 3042.9499999999998
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
produktbezeichnung = 'MIG/MAG-multiprocess-svetsmaskin inklusive all karakteristik och svetsprocesser, dekompakt, modulär'
price = 8221.6499999999996
hasCool = '1'
hasDrive = '1'
priceProducts (array):
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
vmCharacteristics (array):
124281 (array):id = '124276'
productMainId = '102259'
ean = '4051629048504'
vendorProductId = '090-005664-00001'
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stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2025-02-17 07:06:37'
dateModified = null
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hidden = '0'
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externalId = '471859'
productText (array):productMainId = '102259'
ean = '4051629048504'
vendorProductId = '090-005664-00001'
manufacturerProductId = null
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2025-02-17 07:06:37'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
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priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
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hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '471859'
id = '840921'
productId = '124276'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'Taurus XQ 355 Synergic D'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7413293">MIG/MAG inverter welding machine with separate wire feeder</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7413313">Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="836873">Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <img src="data:image/png;base64, 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" alt="ALLIN.PNG" width="64" title="" /></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <b>No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this </b></b> <b>machine </b></b> <b>type</b></b> <b> are included in the scope of delivery ex works</b></b></li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="7416588">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7416589">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="7413329">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7413339">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="7413349">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="836950">Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="836901">Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3945556"><strong><b>Your benefits</b></b></strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="836876" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="180,00" data-textid="7416584" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="836882" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="836880" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="836899" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="836898" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Insulated wire space</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="836914" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="7425814" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2906748" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="7497105" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="3700921" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = trueproductId = '124276'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'Taurus XQ 355 Synergic D'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7413293">MIG/MAG inverter welding machine with separate wire feeder</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7413313">Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="836873">Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <img src="data:image/png;base64, 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alt="ALLIN.PNG" width="64" title="" /></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <b>No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this </b></b> <b>machine </b></b> <b>type</b></b> <b> are included in the scope of delivery ex works</b></b></li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="7416588">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7416589">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="7413329">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7413339">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="7413349">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="836950">Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="836901">Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3945556"><strong><b>Your benefits</b></b></strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="836876" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="180,00" data-textid="7416584" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="836882" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="836880" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="836899" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="836898" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Insulated wire space</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="836914" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="7425814" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2906748" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="7497105" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="3700921" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 8990.75(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) ean = '4051629048504'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-005664-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) dateModified = null
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(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
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(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471859'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null(private) productMainId = '102259'
(private) ean = '4051629048504'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-005664-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-17 07:06:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
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0 (array):
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(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
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(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-03 12:40:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '462447'
(private) se oldInstance = null
102250 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70676'
(private) ean = '4051629113431'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-024141-00005'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-03 12:40:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
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(private) id = '124266'
(private) productMainId = '102250'
(private) ean = '4051629064078'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-008636-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-04 08:34:27'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471693'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107192 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102250'
(private) ean = '4051629064078'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-008636-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-04 08:34:27'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471693'
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(private) id = '129435'
(private) productMainId = '107192'
(private) ean = '4051629044131'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003288-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '10'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333611'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107194 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '107192'
(private) ean = '4051629044131'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003288-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '10'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333611'
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(private) id = '129448'
(private) productMainId = '107194'
(private) ean = '4051629044155'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003290-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333626'
(private) se oldInstance = null
21022 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '107194'
(private) ean = '4051629044155'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003290-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333626'
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(private) id = '41529'
(private) productMainId = '21022'
(private) ean = '4051629044759'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700001-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '336917'
(private) se oldInstance = null
2943 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '21022'
(private) ean = '4051629044759'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700001-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '336917'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '8744'
(private) productMainId = '2943'
(private) ean = '4051629005927'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-001803-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '8891'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '327'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '461276'
(private) se oldInstance = null
20982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '2943'
(private) ean = '4051629005927'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-001803-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '8891'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '327'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '461276'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '41347'
(private) productMainId = '20982'
(private) ean = '4051629037102'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700004-00604'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333645'
(private) se oldInstance = null
70011 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '20982'
(private) ean = '4051629037102'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700004-00604'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333645'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '91640'
(private) productMainId = '70011'
(private) ean = '4051629002650'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000013-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'G.T70.9610'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
102372 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70011'
(private) ean = '4051629002650'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000013-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'G.T70.9610'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71694'
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(private) id = '124397'
(private) productMainId = '102372'
(private) ean = '4051629105993'
(private) vendorProductId = '394-008488-10030'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '5340SV-EWM'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1213'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-06-09 11:14:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '472694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
101970 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102372'
(private) ean = '4051629105993'
(private) vendorProductId = '394-008488-10030'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '5340SV-EWM'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1213'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-06-09 11:14:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '472694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '123952'
(private) productMainId = '101970'
(private) ean = '4051629081082'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004302-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470020'
(private) se oldInstance = null
101982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101970'
(private) ean = '4051629081082'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004302-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470020'
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(private) id = '123970'
(private) productMainId = '101982'
(private) ean = '4051629081075'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004301-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
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2953 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101982'
(private) ean = '4051629081075'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004301-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470005'
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(private) vendorProductId = '092-008215-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1012703'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
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(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
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(private) manufacturerProductId = '1012703'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
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(private) dateModified = null
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(private) active = '1'
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(private) forcePrice = '0'
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(private) notSellable = '0'
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(private) se oldInstance = null
currencySign = '€'
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1 (object: MimeEntity):(private) parentId = null
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2 (object: MimeEntity):(private) parentId = null
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name = 'Taurus XQ 355 Synergic D EX'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="4193668"> Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="973776"> Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="4193685"> No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this machine type are included in the scope of delivery ex works</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="4193717">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="4193719">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="4198664">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="4193683">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="4198667">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="28,00" data-textid="4198679">Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="928447"> Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="928489"> Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3328137"><strong> Your benefits </strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="928473" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="928469" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="928461" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="928467" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="928465" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Earth fault monitoring (PE protection)</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="930508" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="4193698" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2042059" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="4218192" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="2218257" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
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name = 'Taurus XQ 355 Synergic D EX'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="4193668"> Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="973776"> Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="4193685"> No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this machine type are included in the scope of delivery ex works</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="4193717">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="4193719">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="4198664">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="4193683">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="4198667">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="28,00" data-textid="4198679">Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="928447"> Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="928489"> Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3328137"><strong> Your benefits </strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="928473" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="928469" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="928461" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="928467" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="928465" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Earth fault monitoring (PE protection)</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="930508" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="4193698" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2042059" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="4218192" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="2218257" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
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0 (array):
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107192 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102250'
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70011 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '20982'
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102372 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70011'
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101982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101970'
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vmCharacteristics (array):
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mime (array):
produktbezeichnung = 'MIG/MAG-multiprocess-svetsmaskin inklusive all karakteristik och svetsprocesser, dekompakt, modulär'
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priceProducts (array):
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name = 'Taurus XQ 405 Synergic D'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7413293">MIG/MAG inverter welding machine with separate wire feeder</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7413313">Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="836873">Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <img src="data:image/png;base64, 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" alt="ALLIN.PNG" width="64" title="" /></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <b>No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this </b></b> <b>machine </b></b> <b>type</b></b> <b> are included in the scope of delivery ex works</b></b></li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="7416588">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7416589">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="7413329">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7413339">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="7413349">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="836950">Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="836901">Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3945556"><strong><b>Your benefits</b></b></strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="836876" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="180,00" data-textid="7416584" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="836882" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="836880" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="836899" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="836898" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Insulated wire space</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="836914" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="7425814" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2906748" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="7497105" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="3700921" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = trueproductId = '124277'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'Taurus XQ 405 Synergic D'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7413293">MIG/MAG inverter welding machine with separate wire feeder</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7413313">Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="836873">Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <img src="data:image/png;base64, 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alt="ALLIN.PNG" width="64" title="" /></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <b>No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this </b></b> <b>machine </b></b> <b>type</b></b> <b> are included in the scope of delivery ex works</b></b></li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="7416588">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7416589">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="7413329">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7413339">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="7413349">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="836950">Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="836901">Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3945556"><strong><b>Your benefits</b></b></strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="836876" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="180,00" data-textid="7416584" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="836882" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="836880" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="836899" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="836898" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Insulated wire space</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="836914" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="7425814" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2906748" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="7497105" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="3700921" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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productPrice = 9310.75(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) externalId = '471861'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null(private) productMainId = '102260'
(private) ean = '4051629048535'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-005665-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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0 (array):
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(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-03 12:40:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '462447'
(private) se oldInstance = null
102250 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70676'
(private) ean = '4051629113431'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-024141-00005'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-03 12:40:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '462447'
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(private) id = '124266'
(private) productMainId = '102250'
(private) ean = '4051629064078'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-008636-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-04 08:34:27'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471693'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107192 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102250'
(private) ean = '4051629064078'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-008636-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-04 08:34:27'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471693'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '129435'
(private) productMainId = '107192'
(private) ean = '4051629044131'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003288-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '10'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333611'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107194 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '107192'
(private) ean = '4051629044131'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003288-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '10'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333611'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '129448'
(private) productMainId = '107194'
(private) ean = '4051629044155'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003290-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333626'
(private) se oldInstance = null
21022 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '107194'
(private) ean = '4051629044155'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003290-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333626'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '41529'
(private) productMainId = '21022'
(private) ean = '4051629044759'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700001-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '336917'
(private) se oldInstance = null
2943 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '21022'
(private) ean = '4051629044759'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700001-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '336917'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '8744'
(private) productMainId = '2943'
(private) ean = '4051629005927'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-001803-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '8891'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '327'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '461276'
(private) se oldInstance = null
20982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '2943'
(private) ean = '4051629005927'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-001803-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '8891'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '327'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '461276'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '41347'
(private) productMainId = '20982'
(private) ean = '4051629037102'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700004-00604'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333645'
(private) se oldInstance = null
70011 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '20982'
(private) ean = '4051629037102'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700004-00604'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333645'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '91640'
(private) productMainId = '70011'
(private) ean = '4051629002650'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000013-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'G.T70.9610'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
102372 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70011'
(private) ean = '4051629002650'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000013-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'G.T70.9610'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '124397'
(private) productMainId = '102372'
(private) ean = '4051629105993'
(private) vendorProductId = '394-008488-10030'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '5340SV-EWM'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1213'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-06-09 11:14:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '472694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
101970 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102372'
(private) ean = '4051629105993'
(private) vendorProductId = '394-008488-10030'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '5340SV-EWM'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1213'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-06-09 11:14:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '472694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '123952'
(private) productMainId = '101970'
(private) ean = '4051629081082'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004302-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470020'
(private) se oldInstance = null
101982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101970'
(private) ean = '4051629081082'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004302-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470020'
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(private) id = '123970'
(private) productMainId = '101982'
(private) ean = '4051629081075'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004301-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470005'
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2953 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101982'
(private) ean = '4051629081075'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004301-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470005'
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(private) ean = '4051629011089'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-008215-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1012703'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
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(private) productMainId = '2953'
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(private) vendorProductId = '092-008215-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1012703'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '113695'
(private) se oldInstance = null
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
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1 (object: MimeEntity):(private) parentId = null
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2 (object: MimeEntity):(private) parentId = null
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name = 'Taurus XQ 405 Synergic D EX'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="4193668"> Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="973776"> Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="4193685"> No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this machine type are included in the scope of delivery ex works</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="4193717">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="4193719">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="4198664">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="4193683">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="4198667">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="28,00" data-textid="4198679">Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="928447"> Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="928489"> Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3328137"><strong> Your benefits </strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="928473" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="928469" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="928461" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="928467" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="928465" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Earth fault monitoring (PE protection)</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="930508" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="4193698" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2042059" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="4218192" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="2218257" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
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name = 'Taurus XQ 405 Synergic D EX'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="4193668"> Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="973776"> Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="4193685"> No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this machine type are included in the scope of delivery ex works</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="4193717">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="4193719">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="4198664">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="4193683">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="4198667">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="28,00" data-textid="4198679">Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="928447"> Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="928489"> Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3328137"><strong> Your benefits </strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="928473" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="928469" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="928461" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="928467" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="928465" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Earth fault monitoring (PE protection)</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="930508" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="4193698" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2042059" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="4218192" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="2218257" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
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0 (array):
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102250 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70676'
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107192 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102250'
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70011 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '20982'
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102372 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70011'
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101982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101970'
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vmCharacteristics (array):
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mime (array):
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priceProducts (array):
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name = 'Taurus XQ 505 Synergic D'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7413293">MIG/MAG inverter welding machine with separate wire feeder</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7413313">Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="836873">Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <img src="data:image/png;base64, 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" alt="ALLIN.PNG" width="64" title="" /></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <b>No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this </b></b> <b>machine </b></b> <b>type</b></b> <b> are included in the scope of delivery ex works</b></b></li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="7416588">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7416589">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="7413329">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7413339">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="7413349">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="836950">Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="836901">Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3945556"><strong><b>Your benefits</b></b></strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="836876" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="180,00" data-textid="7416584" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="836882" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="836880" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="836899" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="836898" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Insulated wire space</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="836914" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="7425814" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2906748" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="7497105" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="3700921" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = trueproductId = '124278'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'Taurus XQ 505 Synergic D'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7413293">MIG/MAG inverter welding machine with separate wire feeder</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7413313">Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="836873">Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <img src="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAgAAAADrCAYAAAAfZC6SAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBIWXMAAHUwAAB1MAHdM3LNAAAAB3RJTUUH5wEKBwYHWDls7gAAJwpJREFUeNrt3XeYHdV9//H3mVu399WudlcVhJAQxRiQRBHFAUyxwYrBFWPH1MSOceJCIL/fY+exTZKfbcyTxDgJMSaGEBtjbAw2XYAsRFdBBQm0KiutVtv7rXN+f1xJFkXau/fu3dnd+3k9D007c+53Bumez5yZOceQhVWrVh36n2GgDmgAyoG5QAlgs/kMERGRPFMM1AItQBzoAnYDe4F9QCsQPbDx0qVLM/oQM9od3qfTnw+cCRwHHAXMIxUEfF6fQRERkUno0L75wEW0C2zf/9cWYDXwx/3/nTyw8WjCQNoB4JCO3yF1lX8e8DFSAWAmEPT6jImIiOSJflKd/9PAfcA6IALph4C0AsAhnf/RwCXAVaQ6/rDXZ0BERCSPuUAb8AvgLuANwKYTAo4YAA7p+EuBy4DrgVPR8L6IiMhE8zrwL8AvSY0QHHE0wH+4HxzS+c8GbgWWA2VeH52IiIi8r5OAHwAnAP8I7DnSxu87AnBI538y8P+AZWTwwKCIiIiMuyTwEPA1oBnefyTgPSMA7+r8bwfO8PpIREREJG0+4KOkng/4JrDt/TZ6z1X9/gBwInAncFqmn26tXv8XEREZC8ZkNAifJPVw4FeAfe8eBXhHi/s7/0bgP4ALMy00EAgQDAYJBoMYY/D7/ZkWLyIikldc1yWRSBz891gsRiwWI5lMZtJcDPgucBsQPTQEHLwFsL/zLwK+DJyTbsvWWowxBAIBSktLKS0tpaCggEAgQCAQwHEcfD69NCAiIpKudweAeDzO0NAQ3d3dDA4O4rpuuk0FSb3B9xrw8KE/OHhZvmrVKge4GLgbqEy35XA4THV1NVVVVQSDQfx+f7q7ioiIyCjE43EGBgbYu3cvfX19JJPJdEfYHwW+CLQeGAXww8Gr/0rgr0mz8/f7/VRXVzNt2jQKCwu9PiciIiJTXiAQoKKiguLiYtra2mhtbT04WjCCc0nd2r+H/VMHO4f88HxgSTqthEIhZs6cycyZM9X5i4iIjLNAIEBDQwMzZsxId+Q9DPwFUH7gbb8DAaCY1PS+I/bm4XCYWbNmUVtbi+M4I20uIiIiOWCMoba2lunTp6fbH59IavE+AJz9SWAJsGikPf1+P01NTVRWpv2IgIiIiOTIgRBQUVGRzuaFwJVAAFIjAA6pyX5qR9qzurpanb+IiMgEEggEqKurIxgccVFeQ2oU4GhIdf7TSS3wc8SbCKFQSMP+IiIiE1BJSUm6owCNwJJVq1YdDADzjrS1tZby8nIKCgq8PkYRERF5F2MMNTU16TwQWExqFCDkAPWkEsFh+Xw+SkpKdPUvIiIyQYXDYYqKitLZ9Fig3gGOITVT0Puy1hIMBgmHw14fm4iIiByG3++nrKwsnbV4ZgE1DtA00pYH5vUXERGRickYQ0FBQTq3AeqACgeoGWlLv99PIBDw+thERETkCA5csI8wClDE/hGAEVcU8Pl8uv8vIiIywfn9/nRGACzQpJV7RPKCxY0niHXuo2/zeoZ27iLS0kG8P5L6KtBq3TJeLBjHEKwsItxYQ+GMGRQfdSyhyhqMFpPL2igu2B2dbZEpzI1HibS20rF6JR3PPE//5h3Ee3tIDA3jDkdx4xmtLy6SHWNwgj58BSF8hUUEK8opP+kYpl14IeWLTiBUM83rCvOCAoDIFNX7xhr2/v4x2h5/isHmvdh4Amvtn5YONT6coM/rMiVfWUgOxkgOxIju62Jg63b2/PZpyk86lhmfvpLas8/FX1zqdZVTmgKAyBQT7+9h968eZOd9v2Bgy879Q/wGjEl33XCR8WEMGDD770G5kTidf1xD/+a36bn8dWZ94fMUNs7yusopSwFAZAoZbN7K1jv+lb2PriA5FMH4fLq/L5OKcRxinQPsuPtXDLzdzPxv/A2lC07wuqwpSY/2i0wR/W9u4I2//7/s+fUTuJFYqvMXmYSMY7CupePZV9j47e8y2LzV65KmJAUAkSlgeM9OtvzwR3Q+vyb1CxrqlynB0LX6Dd761zuJdXd4XcyUowAgMskloxGa//OntD2+Co33y5RjLa0PP8me3zyETSa8rmZKUQAQmdQsnaueY/evfgdJq/5fph5jcCNxdt73Kwa2veV1NVOKAoDIJJYY6GfHPf9DvGdAnb9MXcYwsGUnux96UKMAY0gBQGQS63zxj/Su3QRWvb9Mcdal/YmVRNr3el3JlKEAIDJJWTdB5wuvEu3sAUcBQKY6w1DLXjqeXeF1IVOGAoDIJBXZu4e+DRtBs/lKPjCGRN8gXS+uxU3EvK5mSlAAEJmkhne3MNS8HbRSp+QNw0Dz2wy3bPe6kClB3xwik1Ssa4Boey9Gw/+SLxyHaNs+InvbvK5kSlAAEJmULNGODty463UhIuPGOIbIni4iuzu9LmVKUAAQmYSsmyTeo5nRJP/YhEu0sx3rKvxmSwFAZDKyYK3XRYh4wECspwvraj6AbCkAiIjI5KLHXsaEAoCIiEgeUgAQERHJQwoAIiIieUgBQEREJA8pAIiIiOQhBQAREZE8pAAgIiKShxQARERE8pACgIiISB5SABAREclDCgAiIiJ5SAFAREQkDykAiIiI5CEFABERkTykACAiIpKHFABERETykAKAiIhIHlIAEBERyUMKACIiInlIAUBERCQPKQCIiIjkIQUAERGRPOT3ugDJb67r0traytDQUMZthMMh6uun4/dn99u5u7ubzs5OrLUZ7W+AhsZGCgoKcnnKRETGhAKAeCoajfKj22/n6aefBmNG34C1fPCDH+R7t91GRUVFxnVYa3ni8cf5wQ9+QCKZzKgNxxju/MlP+MAHPjBep09EJGMKAOIpay07d+3i1ddey7iNysoq3Aw77UN1dXfx8iuv4Lpuxm309/fn5DxNVNZ1wXWx1uIEfFjXYpMWYwzGccDJINSJyLhQABDPOZlc+R+6/xh1MsYYfD5fxgHAcRxMlscyWVjXYnxQ2FRLQUMTvqISwvVluJEYsc5BYr2dDO3cSbyjH4yTuj8iIhOKAoCIjJKleO506j/yYaqWnELJ/IUEy6v+9FM3SaRtN73r17HvqWfZ++gKEr2DGg0QmWAUAEQkPdZiAn5qzj6Fo778V5QtXITxvfcrxDg+CupnUFA/g+qlZ1F91pm8+b0fMrxrb2o0QEQmBAUAEUmPY6i/9Fzmf+NvCdc1prWLv7iU6Rdfii8cZtO3/onB5t0Yn0KAyESgP4kiMjJrKZk3gznXfzHtzv9PDLXnnMfsaz9LoLQQMnzNUkTGlgKAiIzI+H00fuJySuYtyGx/x0f9pZdSdsL8jOdZEJGxpQAgIkdmIdxQRe25f4bJ4h5+sKyS6nMW4wQDXh+RiKAAICIjsNal/MQFBCvKs26reunZ+EIhrw9JRFAAEJGRWEt4eiO+gsKsmwrXTCNYXQy6CyDiOQUAERmRccZmMh/jMwQqilECEPGeAoCIjGyM+mtrwY3G0dSAIt5TABCRERiinftwo9GsW0oODhHZ06P+X2QCUAAQkSMyjqF3zQbiPb1Zt9Wz/lWSkYjXhyQiKACIyEiMYWj7XrpeeSmrZpKRIVp/9xhuJOb1EYkICgAikgY3Gmfnvf9LtL0t4zb2PfMk3S+t1USAIhOEAoCIpMHQ+/pmtv3HT4j394x67551r7Htxz8j2t6L0aqAIhOCFgMSkZEZcGMJdt33W9xYjLnX30C4rmHE3dxYlM6XVrHln++gd+1mLQQkMoEoAIhIeowh0T/Ezv9+iL6NW2j6xMcpXXAshU0z8BeVHtzMTUSJdbYz2LyTfU8/xe5f/55oW3dqLgERmTAUAEQkfcZgk5buF9+g9/VNFM6qp3ThcYRq6jA+P1hLvL+H4ZYd9K7fTLxrAIxR5y8yASkAiMjoGYMbd+l/cxf9G3fsX+HPHvyZMU5quN/ofr/IRKUAICIZM44DjqN5fUQmIY3LiYiI5CEFABERkTykACAiIpKH9AyAiMho2IN/e++vG1J/00MRMgkoAExiruuSSCSIHGFxFWMM4VCIQDDodbkik5Z1XUi6YMBXEMQpDOH43/31aXDjcZJDwySH4xiz/wFJzXwoE5QCwCTR3d1Ne3s77e3tNDc309bWRm9vL8PDw+zbt+8we1l8jo/q6mpKy8qoqanh2GOPZXp9PQ2NjRQUFHh9WDKZWLv/db/MjcV8ANY95JXD0Xy2MaN+LdG6Fl/IR+GsBgpnz6agrp6CpmmE66vxFxa9owpjDPG+fiJ72hje3cngjm0Mbn2bSGv3gQ2yPnaRsaQAMAElEwn6BwbY3tzM+vXreWH1arZt20ZXVyddXd20tLQQzXBt9lmzZlFbW0tTUxNnnHE6S5YsZeHChRQXF6FxSzksY6g8fRFVixdn3pG5ll33/5bhltbMgoCFQFkB9R85n3B9Pda6o6p/4M3NtD2+Cnc4fvjf6hasdXH8PsL1lVQuPZnqpWdSPG8OBY2NBMuq0/7ISNtuhnbsoHfDJtqfeYaeVzcS7x/OKIiI5IICwARhrcuePa1s3LiRlStX8vtHH2VXSwsDAwMMDAyM2eds376d7du389JLL/HII49QVlbGqaeewvLlyzn33PNoamry+lTIBGQMVJ56InNvuAHj+DJqwyaTtK94ieGdezJ8/NjiKwrSsPxyyk84adR7733st3Q8+wrucIz3SwDWtRg/lMyZybQLltFw+ccIT2/AX1ic0fGGpzUQntZA5amLabz8cjpfeoFd//MA3a++Qbx7QOsiiOcUADw2NDTEunXreOSRR1i1ahUvrl7N0PBw1kOt6YhEIkQiER5++Hc88cST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alt="ALLIN.PNG" width="64" title="" /></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7413319"> <b>No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this </b></b> <b>machine </b></b> <b>type</b></b> <b> are included in the scope of delivery ex works</b></b></li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="7416588">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7416589">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="7413329">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7413339">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="7413349">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="836950">Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="836901">Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3945556"><strong><b>Your benefits</b></b></strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="836876" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="180,00" data-textid="7416584" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="836882" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="836880" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="836899" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="836898" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Insulated wire space</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="836914" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="7425814" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2906748" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="7497105" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="3700921" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) showOptionText = null
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productPrice = 9819.75(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) vendorProductId = '090-005666-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471863'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null(private) productMainId = '102261'
(private) ean = '4051629048573'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-005666-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
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(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-17 07:06:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) deleted = '0'
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0 (array):
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(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
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(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-03 12:40:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '462447'
(private) se oldInstance = null
102250 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70676'
(private) ean = '4051629113431'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-024141-00005'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-03 12:40:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
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(private) id = '124266'
(private) productMainId = '102250'
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(private) vendorProductId = '090-008636-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-04 08:34:27'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
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(private) externalId = '471693'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107195 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102250'
(private) ean = '4051629064078'
(private) vendorProductId = '090-008636-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-07-04 08:34:27'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '471693'
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(private) id = '129454'
(private) productMainId = '107195'
(private) ean = '4051629044162'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003291-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '344014'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107193 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '107195'
(private) ean = '4051629044162'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003291-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) notSellable = '0'
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(private) id = '129441'
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(private) ean = '4051629044148'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003289-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '2'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '333618'
(private) se oldInstance = null
21022 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '107193'
(private) ean = '4051629044148'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-003289-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '2'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-03-05 09:01:25'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
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(private) id = '41529'
(private) productMainId = '21022'
(private) ean = '4051629044759'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700001-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '336917'
(private) se oldInstance = null
2943 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '21022'
(private) ean = '4051629044759'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700001-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '336917'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '8744'
(private) productMainId = '2943'
(private) ean = '4051629005927'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-001803-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '8891'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '327'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '461276'
(private) se oldInstance = null
21091 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '2943'
(private) ean = '4051629005927'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-001803-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '8891'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '327'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '461276'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '41737'
(private) productMainId = '21091'
(private) ean = '4051629045268'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700005-00604'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '337194'
(private) se oldInstance = null
70011 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '21091'
(private) ean = '4051629045268'
(private) vendorProductId = '094-700005-00604'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-01-17 12:09:15'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '337194'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '91641'
(private) productMainId = '70011'
(private) ean = '4051629005606'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000171-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'G.T95.9610'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71696'
(private) se oldInstance = null
102372 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70011'
(private) ean = '4051629005606'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000171-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'G.T95.9610'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71696'
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(private) id = '124397'
(private) productMainId = '102372'
(private) ean = '4051629105993'
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(private) manufacturerProductId = '5340SV-EWM'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1213'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-06-09 11:14:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '472694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
101970 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102372'
(private) ean = '4051629105993'
(private) vendorProductId = '394-008488-10030'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '5340SV-EWM'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1213'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-06-09 11:14:37'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '1'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '472694'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) id = '123952'
(private) productMainId = '101970'
(private) ean = '4051629081082'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004302-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470020'
(private) se oldInstance = null
101982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101970'
(private) ean = '4051629081082'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004302-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470020'
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(private) id = '123970'
(private) productMainId = '101982'
(private) ean = '4051629081075'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004301-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
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2953 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101982'
(private) ean = '4051629081075'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-004301-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) stockView = '0'
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(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '470005'
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(private) vendorProductId = '092-008215-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1012703'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
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(private) dateModified = null
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(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
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(private) manufacturerProductId = '1012703'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
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(private) dateModified = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
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(private) se oldInstance = null
currencySign = '€'
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1 (object: MimeEntity):(private) parentId = null
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2 (object: MimeEntity):(private) parentId = null
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name = 'Taurus XQ 505 Synergic D EX'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="4193668"> Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="973776"> Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="4193685"> No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this machine type are included in the scope of delivery ex works</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="4193717">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="4193719">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="4198664">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="4193683">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="4198667">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="28,00" data-textid="4198679">Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="928447"> Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="928489"> Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3328137"><strong> Your benefits </strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="928473" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="928469" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="928461" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="928467" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="928465" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Earth fault monitoring (PE protection)</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="930508" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="4193698" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2042059" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="4218192" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="2218257" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
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name = 'Taurus XQ 505 Synergic D EX'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="4193668"> Perfect MIG/MAG weld seams even with long welding leads</li><li data-sortnum="8,00" data-textid="973776"> Synergic control with one-knob operation</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="4193685"> No need to purchase additional characteristics – all characteristics for this machine type are included in the scope of delivery ex works</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="4193717">With the innovative EWM Synergic characteristics rootArc® XQ, forceArc® XQ and superPuls</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="4193719">With Synergic characteristics for GMAW standard welding for steel/CrNi/aluminium</li><li data-sortnum="17,00" data-textid="4198664">Non Synergic operation for manual setting of welding parameters</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="4193683">Suitable for MMA welding, TIG welding and gouging</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="4198667">Individually configurable programmes for each welding task (JOB)</li><li data-sortnum="28,00" data-textid="4198679">Drive XQ / Drive XQ IC 200 with high-precision, powerful EWM eFeed 4-roll drive to reliably feed all solid and flux cored wires</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="928447"> Adjustable start and end-crater functions</li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="928489"> Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)</li><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3328137"><strong> Your benefits </strong></li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="928473" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Gas-cooled or optionally water-cooled with cool 50 cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="928469" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Energy-saving thanks to high efficiency and standby function</li><li data-sortnum="213,00" data-textid="928461" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Connection capability for remote control and function torch</li><li data-sortnum="215,00" data-textid="928467" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Easy, tool-free change of welding polarity</li><li data-sortnum="220,00" data-textid="928465" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Earth fault monitoring (PE protection)</li><li data-sortnum="230,00" data-textid="930508" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> IP23 spray water protected</li><li data-sortnum="233,00" data-textid="4193698" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Optional network connectivity with the ewm Xnet software via an integrated or external gateway</li><li data-sortnum="286,00" data-textid="2042059" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> PC interface for PC300 XQ software</li><li data-sortnum="300,00" data-textid="4218192" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> Excellent torch cooling and therefore cost savings on consumables thanks to the high-performance cooling unit</li><li data-sortnum="9.998,00" data-textid="2218257" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Free WPQR package for certification up to and including EXC2 in accordance with EN 1090 and for welding of unalloyed steels up to and including S355</li></ul>'
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0 (array):
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102250 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70676'
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107195 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '102250'
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70011 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '21091'
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102372 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '70011'
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101982 (object: ProductEntity):(private) productMainId = '101970'
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MIG/MAG-multiprocess-svetsmaskin inklusive all karakteristik och svetsprocesser, dekompakt, modulär9.786,70 €* / 11.646,17 €** / SetInnehåll: 1 Pcs.
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MIG/MAG-multiprocess-svetsmaskin inklusive all karakteristik och svetsprocesser, dekompakt, modulär9.310,75 €* / 11.079,79 €** / SetInnehåll: 1 Pcs.
*exkl./**inkl. moms.
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MIG/MAG-multiprocess-svetsmaskin inklusive all karakteristik och svetsprocesser, dekompakt, modulär10.106,70 €* / 12.026,97 €** / SetInnehåll: 1 Pcs.
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