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Arbetsskydd och säkerhet

42840 (array):
product (array):
id = '42840'
productMainId = '21757'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-008440-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '4441.900'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
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priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
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hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '342948'
productText (array):
id = '196197'
productId = '42840'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'crystal 2.0'
name = 'crystal 2.0'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Vollautomatischer Schweißhelm mit farbgetreuer Wiedergabe</li><li>Schleifmodus - die hellste Sicht beim Schleifen 2.0</li><li>Adaptive Schutzstufenregulierung - automatische Einstellung der optimalen Schutzstufe</li><li>Hitze-Reflektierende Lackierung - für einen immer kühlen Kopf</li><li>Bester Schutz der Augen - Die Kassette wechselt fließend von Dunkel auf Hell</li><li>Bedienungseinheit außerhalb des Helmes</li><li>Sensorschieber - Erfassungswinkel der Sensorik individuell auf Bedürfnisse einstellen</li><li>Patentierter Exzenter - Positioniert den Helm optimal auf dem Kopf</li><li class="last-item">Überkopfschweißen</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Vollautomatischer Schweißhelm mit farbgetreuer Wiedergabe</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '42840'
(private) productMainId = '21757'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-008440-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4441.900'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '342948'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 896.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1066.24
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 896.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '79470'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0060336.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = '217221'
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A3344286'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269485'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098623.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269524'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '442'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '22785451'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 896.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 170.24000000000001
total = 1066.24
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 896.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 170.24000000000001
total = 1066.24
productName = 'Optrel crystal 2.0 vorbereitet'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem'
price = 806.39999999999998
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '79470'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0060336.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = '217221'
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A3344286'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269485'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098623.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269524'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2024-12-22 10:10:43" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="342775"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>4 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>100 ms - 2000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid ljus/mörk (55 °C)</td><td>0.1 ms - 0.07 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, mikroplasma, plasmaskärning, slipläge</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td>ca.<span title="">460</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign6767d79389bda"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign6767d79389bda" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/2</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Synfält": "100 mm / 50 mm","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'CE'
vmCharacteristics (array):
42839 (array):
product (array):
id = '42839'
productMainId = '21756'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-009676-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1006.900'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '2'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '342946'
productText (array):
id = '196186'
productId = '42839'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'crystal 2.0'
name = 'crystal 2.0'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Vollautomatischer Schweißhelm mit farbgetreuer Wiedergabe</li><li>Schleifmodus - die hellste Sicht beim Schleifen 2.0</li><li>Adaptive Schutzstufenregulierung - automatische Einstellung der optimalen Schutzstufe</li><li>Hitze-Reflektierende Lackierung - für einen immer kühlen Kopf</li><li>Bester Schutz der Augen - Die Kassette wechselt fließend von Dunkel auf Hell</li><li>Bedienungseinheit außerhalb des Helmes</li><li>Sensorschieber - Erfassungswinkel der Sensorik individuell auf Bedürfnisse einstellen</li><li>Patentierter Exzenter - Positioniert den Helm optimal auf dem Kopf</li><li class="last-item">Überkopfschweißen</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Vollautomatischer Schweißhelm mit farbgetreuer Wiedergabe</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '42839'
(private) productMainId = '21756'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-009676-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1006.900'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '2'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '342946'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 669.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 796.11000000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 669.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '79440'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0060335.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A3344284'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269485'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098623.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269524'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '442'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '22785352'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 669.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 127.11
total = 796.11000000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 669.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 127.11
total = 796.11000000000001
productName = 'Optrel crystal 2.0'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 602.10000000000002
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '79440'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0060335.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A3344284'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269485'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098623.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269524'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2024-12-22 10:12:06" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="342751"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>4 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>100 ms - 2000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid ljus/mörk (55 °C)</td><td>0.1 ms - 0.07 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, mikroplasma, plasmaskärning, slipläge</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td>ca.<span title="">460</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign6767d7e64a3e2"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign6767d7e64a3e2" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/2</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Synfält": "100 mm / 50 mm","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "460 g","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'CE'
vmCharacteristics (array):
94592 (array):
product (array):
id = '94592'
productMainId = '72851'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-007902-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '4530.050'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '463398'
productText (array):
id = '720794'
productId = '94592'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'crystal 2.0 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
name = 'crystal 2.0 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
description = 'crystal 2.0 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
descriptionShort = 'crystal 2.0 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '94592'
(private) productMainId = '72851'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-007902-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4530.050'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '463398'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2107.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2507.3299999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2107.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221045'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090700.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104958'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269485'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098623.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269524'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2107.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 400.32999999999998
total = 2507.3299999999999
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2107.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 400.32999999999998
total = 2507.3299999999999
productName = 'crystal 2.0 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm med friskluftssystem'
price = 1896.3
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221045'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090700.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104958'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269485'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098623.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269524'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
94596 (array):
product (array):
id = '94596'
productMainId = '72855'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-007904-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '4550.460'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '463406'
productText (array):
id = '720838'
productId = '94596'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'e684 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
name = 'e684 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
description = 'e684 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
descriptionShort = 'e684 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '94596'
(private) productMainId = '72855'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-007904-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4550.460'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '463406'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2040.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2427.5999999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2040.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221049'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090702.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104969'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2040.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 387.60000000000002
total = 2427.5999999999999
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2040.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 387.60000000000002
total = 2427.5999999999999
productName = 'e684 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm med friskluftssystem'
price = 1836.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221049'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090702.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104969'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
94591 (array):
product (array):
id = '94591'
productMainId = '72850'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-007901-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '4553.000'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '463395'
productText (array):
id = '720783'
productId = '94591'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'e3000X'
name = 'e3000X'
description = 'e3000X'
descriptionShort = 'e3000X'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '94591'
(private) productMainId = '72850'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-007901-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4553.000'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '463395'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 1214.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1444.6600000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 1214.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221044'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090697.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104820'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269514'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098633.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270007'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1214.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 230.66
total = 1444.6600000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1214.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 230.66
total = 1444.6600000000001
productName = 'e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Fläktassisterad filterapparat'
price = 1092.5999999999999
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221044'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090697.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104820'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269514'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098633.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270007'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
40266 (array):
product (array):
id = '40266'
productMainId = '20875'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '394-003044-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '4441.600'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '332481'
productText (array):
id = '161285'
productId = '40266'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'e684'
name = 'optrel e684 4/5-13'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '40266'
(private) productMainId = '20875'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-003044-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4441.600'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '332481'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 827.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 984.13
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 827.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '73831'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0057650.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A2038851'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '442'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '22532298'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 827.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 157.13
total = 984.13
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 827.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 157.13
total = 984.13
productName = 'optel e684'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem'
price = 744.29999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '73831'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0057650.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A2038851'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-18 19:21:45" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="288986"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">EN 175</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>UV-/IR-skydd</td><td>vid varje skyddsstegsinställning</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg ljustillstånd</td><td>4 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>5 - 13 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid mörk/ljus (23 °C)</td><td>0.17 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>100 ms - 2000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>3000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteritid friskluftsystem</td><td>18 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, mikroplasma, plasmaskärning</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td><span title="">690</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td>CE / Australian Standard</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/1</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.17 ms: ","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Synfält": "100 mm / 50 mm","Batteriets livslängd": "3000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "690 g","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'CE'
vmCharacteristics (array):
20181 (array):
product (array):
id = '20181'
productMainId = '7205'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '394-003042-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1006.500'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '288980'
productText (array):
id = '160837'
productId = '20181'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'e684'
name = 'optrel e684 4/5-13'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Automatisk svetshjälm</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Automatisk svetshjälm</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '20181'
(private) productMainId = '7205'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-003042-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1006.500'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '288980'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 597.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 710.43000000000006
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 597.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '63257'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0057649.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A2038840'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270023'
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attributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
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productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
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validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
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price = 597.0
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taxTotal = 113.43000000000001
total = 710.43000000000006
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 597.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 113.43000000000001
total = 710.43000000000006
productName = 'optel e684'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 537.29999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '63257'
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(private) width = '800'
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(private) version = null
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1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269513'
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(private) type = 'Explosion'
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blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-18 19:21:42" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="288975"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">EN 175</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>UV-/IR-skydd</td><td>vid varje skyddsstegsinställning</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg ljustillstånd</td><td>4 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>5 - 13 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid mörk/ljus (23 °C)</td><td>0.17 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>100 ms - 2000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>3000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteritid friskluftsystem</td><td>18 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, mikroplasma, plasmaskärning</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td><span title="">500</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td>CE / Australian Standard</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/1</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.17 ms: ","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Synfält": "100 mm / 50 mm","Batteriets livslängd": "3000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "500 g","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'CE'
vmCharacteristics (array):
133846 (array):
product (array):
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stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
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dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
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priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '485706'
productText (array):
id = '855786'
productId = '133846'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'optrel neo p550 black'
name = 'optrel neo p550 black'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Automatischer Schweißhelm mit farbechter Sicht</li><li>Stufenlos einstellbar, neu mit “Super High” Empfindlichkeit und Heft-Modus</li><li>Dank stufenloser Schutzstufeneinstellung von DIN 9 bis 13 für alle gängigen Schweißverfahren geeignet</li><li><b>Öffnungsverzögerung/Delay-Funktion:</b> Nach dem Abschalten des Lichtbogens bleibt die Blendschutzkassette noch kurz geschlossen, um ein Verblenden der Augen durch das Nachglühen der Schweißnaht zu verhindern</li><li><b>Patentierter Exzenter</b>: Positioniert den Helm optimal auf deinem Kopf – mit einem Dreh.</li><li><b>Farbechte Sicht: </b>der Schweißhelm zeichnet sich durch eine realistische Farbwahrnehmung aus, die auf den jeweiligen Aufgabenbereich abgestimmt ist</li><li><b>Energiekonzept „Super-Sleep-Mode“:</b> Ca. 3.000 Stunden ohne Batteriewechsel einsatzbereit</li><li class="knurps">Alle elektrischen Schweißverfahren: Elektrodenschweißen (Stick Welding, SMAW) / MIG / MAG (Metall- und Schutzgasschweißen, GMAW) / GMAW Hochleistungsschweißen / Fülldrahtschweißen / WIG Schweißen (TIG, GTAW)/Plasmaschweißen / Mikroplasmaschweißen / Plasmaschneiden</li><li class="knurps">Nicht geeignet für Laserschweißen!</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Automatischer Schweißhelm mit farbechter Sicht</p><p>Schutzstufe Dunkelzustand: 9 - 13</p><p>Sichtfeld: 100 mm x 50 mm</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133846'
(private) productMainId = '110101'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-004723-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1007.000'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '485706'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 273.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 324.87
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 273.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '98216'
(private) parentId = null
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(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A3565335'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269469'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098626.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269530'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 273.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 51.869999999999997
total = 324.87
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 273.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 51.869999999999997
total = 324.87
productName = 'optrel neo p550 black'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 245.69999999999999
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '98216'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0066923.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A3565335'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269469'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098626.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269530'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133847 (array):
product (array):
id = '133847'
productMainId = '110716'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-006254-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1007.011'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
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packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487565'
productText (array):
id = '855788'
productId = '133847'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'optrel neo p550 green'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7773363">Automatic welding helmet with true-colour view</li><li data-sortnum="14,00" data-textid="7786867">Infinitely adjustable, with &ldquo;Super High&rdquo; sensitivity and tacking mode</li><li data-sortnum="18,00" data-textid="7773364">Suitable for all common welding procedures thanks to infinite protection level adjustment from DIN 9 to 13</li><li data-sortnum="25,00" data-textid="7786865"><strong>optrel specials:</strong></li><li data-sortnum="27,00" data-textid="7773367" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> <b>Opening delay / Delay function:</b></b> After the arc has been switched off, the auto darkening filter remains closed for a short time to prevent the welder’s eyes being blinded by the afterglow of the weld seam</li><li data-sortnum="27,00" data-textid="7786868" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> <b>Patented eccentric</b></b>: Positions the helmet perfectly on your head – with a single turn.</li><li data-sortnum="30,00" data-textid="7773368" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> <b>“Super Sleep Mode” energy concept:</b></b> Ready for use for approx. 3,000 hours without a battery change</li><li data-sortnum="30,00" data-textid="7786869" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'> <b>True colour view: </b></b>the welding helmet is characterised by realistic colour perception that is tailored to the respective task area</li><li data-sortnum="104,00" data-textid="7786864"><strong>Applications:</strong></li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="7786870" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>All electric welding procedures: Electrode welding (stick welding, SMAW) / MIG / MAG (gas-shielded metal arc welding, GMAW) / GMAW high-performance welding / flux-cored wire welding / TIG welding (TIG, GTAW) / plasma welding / microplasma welding / plasma cutting </li><li data-sortnum="105,00" data-textid="7786870" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Not suitable for laser beam welding!</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133847'
(private) productMainId = '110716'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-006254-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1007.011'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487565'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 273.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 324.87
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 273.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '270752'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099134.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275253'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269469'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098626.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269530'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 273.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 51.869999999999997
total = 324.87
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 273.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 51.869999999999997
total = 324.87
productName = 'optrel neo p550 green'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 245.69999999999999
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '270752'
(private) parentId = null
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(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
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(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275253'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098626.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269530'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
19182 (array):
product (array):
id = '19182'
productMainId = '6862'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '394-003000-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1006.600'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '11'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
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packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '287151'
productText (array):
id = '160351'
productId = '19182'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'vegaview 2.5'
name = 'optrel Vegaview 2.5'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Automatisk svetshjälm</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Automatisk svetshjälm</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) productMainId = '6862'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-003000-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1006.600'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '11'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '287151'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 484.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 575.96000000000004
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 484.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '58540'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0006651.jpg'
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(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A1660306'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '442'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '21150294'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
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price = 484.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 91.959999999999994
total = 575.96000000000004
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 484.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 91.959999999999994
total = 575.96000000000004
productName = 'optrel Vegaview 2.5'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 435.60000000000002
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
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1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
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blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-18 19:21:30" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="287074"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>UV-/IR-skydd</td><td>vid varje skyddsstegsinställning</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg ljustillstånd</td><td>2.5 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>8 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid mörk/ljus (23 °C)</td><td>0.1 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>50 ms - 1000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>3000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, mikroplasma, plasmaskärning, slipläge</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td><span title="">482</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign678bf12ad2c6c"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign678bf12ad2c6c" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/2</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="287076"><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassifizierung nach EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/2</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schutzstufe Hellzustand</td><td>2.5 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schutzstufe Dunkelzustand</td><td>8 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur</td><td>0.1 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Aufhellzeit dunkel/hell</td><td>50 ms - 1000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>3000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, WIG, E-Hand, Plasma, Microplasma, Plasmaschneiden, Schleifmodus</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Schweißhelm mit Industriehelm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td><span title="">482</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td><svg version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign6142722170441"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign6142722170441" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg></td></tr></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.1 ms: ","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Batteriets livslängd": "3000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "482 g","Tillverkarnummer": "1006.600","Tillverkare": "Optrel AG","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
1 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.1 ms: ","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Batteriets livslängd": "3000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "482 g","Tillverkarnummer": "1006.650","Tillverkare": "Optrel AG","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
1 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
1 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
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values (array):
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vmCharacteristics (array):
19184 (array):
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forcePrice = '0'
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validTo = null
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externalId = '287154'
productText (array):
id = '160371'
productId = '19184'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'vegaview 2.5'
name = 'optrel Vegaview 2.5'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) productMainId = '6863'
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(private) manufacturerId = null
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
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(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
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productPrice = 715.0
productTax = '19'
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productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 715.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
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1 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
442 (array):
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unit = null
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attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '21150569'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 715.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 135.84999999999999
total = 850.85000000000002
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 715.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 135.84999999999999
total = 850.85000000000002
productName = 'optrel Vegaview 2.5'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem'
price = 643.5
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
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blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2024-12-18 08:42:24" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="287078"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>UV-/IR-skydd</td><td>vid varje skyddsstegsinställning</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg ljustillstånd</td><td>2.5 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>8 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid mörk/ljus (23 °C)</td><td>0.1 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>50 ms - 1000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>3000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, mikroplasma, plasmaskärning, slipläge</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign67627ce01ba27"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign67627ce01ba27" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/2</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="287079"><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassifizierung nach EN 379</td><td>1/1/1/2</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schutzstufe Hellzustand</td><td>2.5 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schutzstufe Dunkelzustand</td><td>8 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur</td><td>0.1 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Aufhellzeit dunkel/hell</td><td>50 ms - 1000 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Temperatur_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drifttemperatur</td><td>-10 °C - 70 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Synfält</td><td>100 mm x 50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>3000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, WIG, E-Hand, Plasma, Microplasma, Plasmaschneiden, Schleifmodus</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Schweißhelm mit Industriehelm, vorbereitet für Frischluftsystem</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td><svg version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign6142723798df1"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign6142723798df1" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg></td></tr></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.1 ms: ","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Batteriets livslängd": "3000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "690 g","Tillverkarnummer": "4441.800","Tillverkare": "Optrel AG","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
1 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.1 ms: ","Drifttemperatur": "-10 °C - 70 °C","Batteriets livslängd": "3000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "690 g","Tillverkarnummer": "4441.850","Tillverkare": "Optrel AG","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
1 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
1 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'CE'
vmCharacteristics (array):
130133 (array):
product (array):
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productMainId = '107648'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '394-002725-00000'
manufacturerProductId = null
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
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packagingUnit = null
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = null
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '478733'
productText (array):
id = '856673'
productId = '130133'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'Optrel weldCAP bump RC 3/9-12'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
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(private) showOptionText = null
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productPrice = 0
productTax = null
productPriceGross = 0
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = null
mime (array):
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1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269510'
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attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
productName = 'weldCAP bump RCB 3/9-12'
produktbezeichnung = ''
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currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
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vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
15357 (array):
product (array):
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manufacturerProductId = '1008.000'
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productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
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priceAmount = '100'
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productText (array):
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name = 'optrel weldCAP RC 3/9-12'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Automatisk svetshjälm</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Automatisk svetshjälm</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '15357'
(private) productMainId = '5137'
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(private) vendorProductId = '394-001601-00000'
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(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 211.59999999999999
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 251.804
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 211.59999999999999
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
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1 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) uri = 'IM0098628.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
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(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269997'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '442'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '21138243'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 211.59999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 40.204000000000001
total = 251.804
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 211.59999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 40.204000000000001
total = 251.804
productName = 'optrel weldCAP RC 3/9-12'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 198.904
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
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1 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) usage = null
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(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269997'
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(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-13 17:44:33" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Helme" data-productid="138573"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Standarder</td><td><span title="">EN 379</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Flamhämmande textil enligt</td><td>SS-EN ISO 11611 (klass 1) och SS-EN ISO 11612 (klass A/B1/C1/E3/F1)</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>UV-/IR-skydd</td><td>vid varje skyddsstegsinställning</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg ljustillstånd</td><td>3 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzstufe_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Skyddssteg mörkertillstånd</td><td>9 - 12 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Reaktionstid mörk/ljus (23 °C)</td><td>0.16 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Uppljusningstid mörk/ljus</td><td>30 ms</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Batteriets livslängd</td><td>1000 h</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Verwendung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Användning</td><td><span title="">MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, mikroplasma</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Utförande</td><td>Svetsskyddshjälm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Vikt</td><td><span title="">400</span> g</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Godkännanden</td><td>CE / ANSI Z87</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Klassifizierung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Klassificering enligt SS-EN 379</td><td>1/1/2/2</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Standarder": "EN 379 / EN 166 / EN 175","Kopplingstid ljust/mörkt vid rumstemperatur": "0.16 ms: ","Batteriets livslängd": "1000 h","Användning": "MIG/MAG, TIG, manuell elektrodsvetsning, plasma, microplasma","Vikt": "400 g","Godkännanden": "CE"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
442 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'CE'
vmCharacteristics (array):
120877 (array):
product (array):
id = '120877'
productMainId = '98975'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012143-00002'
manufacturerProductId = '4441.660'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '6'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '466440'
productText (array):
id = '856672'
productId = '120877'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx 2.5 IsoFit®'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120877'
(private) productMainId = '98975'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012143-00002'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4441.660'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '6'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '466440'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 876.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1042.4400000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 876.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246660'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092762.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4197953'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 876.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 166.44
total = 1042.4400000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 876.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 166.44
total = 1042.4400000000001
productName = 'panoramaxx 2.5 IsoFit®'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluft'
price = 788.39999999999998
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246660'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092762.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4197953'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120876 (array):
product (array):
id = '120876'
productMainId = '98974'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012143-00001'
manufacturerProductId = '1010.000'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '466438'
productText (array):
id = '856671'
productId = '120876'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx 2.5 IsoFit®'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120876'
(private) productMainId = '98974'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012143-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1010.000'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '466438'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 602.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 716.38
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 602.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246659'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092761.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4197949'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 602.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 114.38
total = 716.38
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 602.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 114.38
total = 716.38
productName = 'panoramaxx 2.5 IsoFit®'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 541.79999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246659'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092761.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4197949'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120878 (array):
product (array):
id = '120878'
productMainId = '98976'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012143-00003'
manufacturerProductId = '4550.550'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '466442'
productText (array):
id = '856670'
productId = '120878'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx 2.5 IsoFit® Ready-to-weld e3000X'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120878'
(private) productMainId = '98976'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012143-00003'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4550.550'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '466442'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2075.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2469.25
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2075.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246661'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092763.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4197956'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2075.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 394.25
total = 2469.25
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2075.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 394.25
total = 2469.25
productName = 'panoramaxx 2.5 IsoFit® Ready-to-weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm inklusive friskluftssystem'
price = 1867.5
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246661'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092763.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4197956'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120953 (array):
product (array):
id = '120953'
productMainId = '99044'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012145-00004'
manufacturerProductId = '4441.780'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465784'
productText (array):
id = '856668'
productId = '120953'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® black'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120953'
(private) productMainId = '99044'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012145-00004'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4441.780'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465784'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 977.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1162.6300000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 977.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '247148'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092600.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195038'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 977.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 185.63
total = 1162.6300000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 977.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 185.63
total = 1162.6300000000001
productName = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® black'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem'
price = 879.29999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '247148'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092600.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195038'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120647 (array):
product (array):
id = '120647'
productMainId = '98803'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012145-00002'
manufacturerProductId = '1010.200'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465782'
productText (array):
id = '856669'
productId = '120647'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® black'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120647'
(private) productMainId = '98803'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012145-00002'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1010.200'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465782'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 721.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 857.99000000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 721.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246085'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092598.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195031'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 721.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 136.99000000000001
total = 857.99000000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 721.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 136.99000000000001
total = 857.99000000000001
productName = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® black'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 648.89999999999998
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246085'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092598.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195031'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120648 (array):
product (array):
id = '120648'
productMainId = '98804'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012145-00006'
manufacturerProductId = '4550.580'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465786'
productText (array):
id = '856667'
productId = '120648'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® black Ready-to-weld e3000X'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120648'
(private) productMainId = '98804'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012145-00006'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4550.580'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465786'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2159.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2569.21
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2159.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246086'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092602.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195052'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2159.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 410.20999999999998
total = 2569.21
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2159.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 410.20999999999998
total = 2569.21
productName = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® black Ready-to-weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm inklusive friskluftssystem'
price = 2029.46
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246086'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092602.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195052'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120650 (array):
product (array):
id = '120650'
productMainId = '98806'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012145-00003'
manufacturerProductId = '4441.781'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '1'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465790'
productText (array):
id = '856665'
productId = '120650'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® silver'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120650'
(private) productMainId = '98806'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012145-00003'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4441.781'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465790'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 1057.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1257.8299999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 1057.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246088'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092599.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195034'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1057.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 200.83000000000001
total = 1257.8299999999999
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1057.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 200.83000000000001
total = 1257.8299999999999
productName = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® silver'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem'
price = 951.29999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246088'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092599.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195034'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120649 (array):
product (array):
id = '120649'
productMainId = '98805'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012145-00001'
manufacturerProductId = '1010.201'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465788'
productText (array):
id = '856666'
productId = '120649'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® silver'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120649'
(private) productMainId = '98805'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012145-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1010.201'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465788'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 799.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 950.80999999999995
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 799.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246087'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092597.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195024'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 799.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 151.81
total = 950.80999999999995
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 799.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 151.81
total = 950.80999999999995
productName = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® silver'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 719.10000000000002
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246087'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092597.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195024'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120651 (array):
product (array):
id = '120651'
productMainId = '98807'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012145-00005'
manufacturerProductId = '4550.590'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '1'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465792'
productText (array):
id = '856664'
productId = '120651'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® silver Ready-to-weld e3000X'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120651'
(private) productMainId = '98807'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012145-00005'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4550.590'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465792'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2238.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2663.2200000000003
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2238.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246089'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092601.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195048'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2238.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 425.22000000000003
total = 2663.2200000000003
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2238.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 425.22000000000003
total = 2663.2200000000003
productName = 'panoramaxx clt IsoFit® silver Ready-to-weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm inklusive friskluftssystem'
price = 2103.7199999999998
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246089'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092601.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195048'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120652 (array):
product (array):
id = '120652'
productMainId = '98808'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012144-00001'
manufacturerProductId = '1010.100'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465794'
productText (array):
id = '856663'
productId = '120652'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx quattro IsoFit®'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120652'
(private) productMainId = '98808'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012144-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1010.100'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465794'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 662.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 787.77999999999997
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 662.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246090'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092594.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195009'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 662.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 125.78
total = 787.77999999999997
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 662.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 125.78
total = 787.77999999999997
productName = 'panoramaxx quattro IsoFit®'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetshjälm'
price = 595.79999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246090'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092594.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195009'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120653 (array):
product (array):
id = '120653'
productMainId = '98809'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012144-00002'
manufacturerProductId = '4441.760'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465796'
productText (array):
id = '856662'
productId = '120653'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx quattro IsoFit®'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120653'
(private) productMainId = '98809'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012144-00002'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4441.760'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465796'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 919.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1093.6100000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 919.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246091'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092595.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195015'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 919.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 174.61000000000001
total = 1093.6100000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 919.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 174.61000000000001
total = 1093.6100000000001
productName = 'panoramaxx quattro IsoFit®'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm förberedd för friskluftssystem'
price = 827.10000000000002
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246091'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092595.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195015'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
120654 (array):
product (array):
id = '120654'
productMainId = '98810'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-012144-00003'
manufacturerProductId = '4550.560'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '465798'
productText (array):
id = '856661'
productId = '120654'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = ''
name = 'panoramaxx quattro IsoFit® Ready-to-weld e3000X'
description = ''
descriptionShort = ''
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '120654'
(private) productMainId = '98810'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-012144-00003'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4550.560'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '465798'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2100.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2499.0
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2100.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246092'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092596.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195021'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2100.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 399.0
total = 2499.0
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2100.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 399.0
total = 2499.0
productName = 'panoramaxx quattro IsoFit® Ready-to-weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm inklusive friskluftssystem'
price = 1890.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '246092'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0092596.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4195021'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269515'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098630.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4270001'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
94595 (array):
product (array):
id = '94595'
productMainId = '72854'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-007906-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '4580.050'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '463404'
productText (array):
id = '720827'
productId = '94595'
languageId = '155'
nameShort = 'vegaview 2.5 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
name = 'vegaview 2.5 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
description = 'vegaview 2.5 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
descriptionShort = 'vegaview 2.5 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '94595'
(private) productMainId = '72854'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-007906-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '4580.050'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-24 13:12:56'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '463404'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 1927.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2293.1300000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 1927.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221048'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090704.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104976'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1927.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 366.13
total = 2293.1300000000001
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1927.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 366.13
total = 2293.1300000000001
productName = 'vegaview 2.5 Ready-to-Weld e3000X'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatisk svetsskyddshjälm med friskluftssystem'
price = 1734.3
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '221048'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0090704.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4104976'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '269511'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098625.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4269528'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
Ett fel uppstod
Åtgärden har utförts
current mapping: categories