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Welding filler metals

SW 70S G3 18kg/Spule 1.6mm

Sample image, your configuration may differ.


  • Unalloyed solid wire electrode
  • Copper-plated, layer wound
  • Low-spatter thanks to high chemical purity
  • CTOD tested welding material
  • Fields of application:
    • Industry, trade and repair shops and shipbuilding


Technical data

StandardsDIN EN ISO 14341-A - G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1
AWS A-5.18 - ER 70S-6
Material number1.5125
Welding positionsPA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF / PG
Ø1.6 mm
Chemical analysis (in %)
0.08 %0.9 %1.5 %0.015 %0.012 %
Shielding gasC1
M22 - M33
Tensile strength, Rm500 MPa - 640 MPa
Expansion, A520 %
Impact energy, Av-40 °C: ≥ 47 J
ApprovalsTÜV / DB / GL / LR
Packing drumB300
Weight18 kg
Base materialsS185 - S355G1 | S255N - S355N | P255NH - P355NH | P235GH - P285NH | P235 - P355T2 | 20MnNb6 | L210 - L360N
Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E
Cast steel GS-38–GS-52
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