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129262 (array):
product (array):
id = '129262'
productMainId = '107049'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-014476-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1930'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '476378'
productText (array):
id = '846705'
productId = '129262'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = '3D-MANIPULATOR UZ12-15-18'
name = '3D-MANIPULATOR UZ12-15-18'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7601064"></li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601065">Erm&ouml;glicht das beidseitige Anfasen (X, K-Nahtvorbereitung)</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601065">Erleichtert den Maschinentransport am Arbeitsplatz</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601065">Kein Werkzeug zum Drehen oder Befestigen erforderlich</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601065">Ausgestattet mit Schnellverbindungssystem</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601065">Verk&uuml;rzt die Nahtvorbereitungszeit </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601065">Tr&auml;gt zu h&ouml;herer Produktivit&auml;t bei</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p code="DICT_TEXT">Fahrbarer 3D-MANIPULATOR zum Drehen der Maschine um 180°</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '129262'
(private) productMainId = '107049'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014476-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1930'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '476378'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 3080.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 3665.1999999999998
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 3080.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '253981'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0094011.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4235621'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 3080.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 585.20000000000005
total = 3665.1999999999998
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 3080.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 585.20000000000005
total = 3665.1999999999998
productName = '3D-MANIPULATOR UZ12-15-18'
produktbezeichnung = ''
price = 3080.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '253981'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0094011.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4235621'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133938 (array):
product (array):
id = '133938'
productMainId = '110782'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017669-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1911'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487447'
productText (array):
id = '855881'
productId = '133938'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Adapter UZ12 with 3D manipulator'
name = 'Adapter UZ12 with 3D manipulator'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795578">Adapter zur Verbindung UZ12 mit 3D-Manipulator</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795579">F&uuml;r bequemes und qualitatives Anfasen</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7795580">Besonders geeignet zum Anfasen von langen Bauteilen</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Adapter zur Verbindung UZ12 mit 3D-Manipulator</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133938'
(private) productMainId = '110782'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017669-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1911'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487447'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 199.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 236.81
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 199.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271095'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099095.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274884'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-01-04 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 199.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 37.810000000000002
total = 236.81
productName = 'Adapter UZ12 with 3D manipulator'
produktbezeichnung = 'Adapter zur Verbindung UZ12 mit 3D-Manipulator'
price = 199.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271095'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099095.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274884'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133964 (array):
product (array):
id = '133964'
productMainId = '110796'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017664-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25916'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487499'
productText (array):
id = '855907'
productId = '133964'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Angle gauge UZ30'
name = 'Angle gauge UZ30'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795840">Winkellehre</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7815723">Passend f&uuml;r UZ30 EXPRESS</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Winkellehre</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133964'
(private) productMainId = '110796'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017664-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25916'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487499'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 39.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 46.409999999999997
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 39.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271109'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099112.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275038'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-01-04 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 39.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 7.4100000000000001
total = 46.409999999999997
productName = 'Angle gauge UZ30'
produktbezeichnung = 'Winkellehre'
price = 39.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271109'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099112.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275038'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133965 (array):
product (array):
id = '133965'
productMainId = '110797'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017485-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1956'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487502'
productText (array):
id = '855908'
productId = '133965'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'ASP Active'
name = 'ASP Active'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795858">System zum Maschinenschutz</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795859">ASP-System sch&uuml;tzt die Maschine vor &Uuml;berlastung </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795859">&Uuml;berwacht die Bearbeitungsbedingungen: Erkennt das ASP-System eine &Uuml;berlastung, informiert es den Maschinenbediener sofort durch Blinken auf der Fernbedienung. Der Bediener hat nun 20 Sekunden Zeit, um die Einstellungen der Maschine zu korrigieren. Nach Ablauf der 20-Sekunden-Frist schaltet das ASP-System die UZ50-Maschine automatisch ab, um eine mechanische Besch&auml;digung ihrer Teile zu vermeiden. </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795859">Erh&auml;ltlich nur beim Kauf einer neuen Anlage UZ50 TRIUMPH</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>System zum Maschinenschutz</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133965'
(private) productMainId = '110797'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017485-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1956'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487502'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 498.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 592.62
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 498.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271110'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099113.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275058'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 498.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 94.620000000000005
total = 592.62
productName = 'ASP Active'
produktbezeichnung = 'System zum Maschinenschutz'
price = 498.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271110'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099113.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275058'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
130561 (array):
product (array):
id = '130561'
productMainId = '108023'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-015456-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25350'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '480819'
productText (array):
id = '852255'
productId = '130561'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'B-DOCK'
name = 'B-DOCK'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7701084">Station&auml;re Anfasmaschine</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7701085">Konzipiert f&uuml;r das Anfasen kleiner Werkst&uuml;cke, die auf die &uuml;bliche Weise schwer oder unm&ouml;glich zu spannen w&auml;ren</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7701086">Erm&ouml;glicht das Anfasen von unregelm&auml;&szlig;igen Formen, geraden Werkst&uuml;cken und Bohrungen</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7701087">Verstellbarer Arbeitstisch</li><li data-sortnum="25,00" data-textid="7701088">Verschlei&szlig;feste &ldquo;Hardox&rdquo; Arbeitsfl&auml;che</li><li data-sortnum="30,00" data-textid="7701089">Robustes Design f&uuml;r pr&auml;zises Anfasen und Langlebigkeit</li><li data-sortnum="35,00" data-textid="7701090">Verstellbarer Sichtschutz erh&ouml;ht die Arbeitssicherheit</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p code="DICT_TEXT">Stationäre Anfasmaschine</p><p code="DICT_TEXT">Max. Fasenbreite: 0 mm - 5 mm</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '130561'
(private) productMainId = '108023'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-015456-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25350'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '480819'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 855.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1017.45
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 855.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266237'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097768.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4256876'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266238'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097769.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4256878'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501329672'
43 (array):
name = 'durchmesser'
value = '2.5 mm'
unit = null
attributeId = '43'
attributeValueId = '6444'
productAttributeId = '501329669'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-23 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 855.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 162.44999999999999
total = 1017.45
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-23 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 855.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 162.44999999999999
total = 1017.45
productName = 'B-DOCK'
produktbezeichnung = 'Anfassysteme B-DOCK für B-LINE'
price = 855.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266237'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097768.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4256876'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266238'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097769.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4256878'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-15 00:22:30" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="480817"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>28 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Max. Fasenbreite</td><td>5 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Leistung_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Motorleistung</td><td><span title="">2500 W</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Rundungsradius</td><td>2.5 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>3.5 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>4 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Geschwindigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Drehzahl</td><td>6600 U/min</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Maße</td><td>443 mm x 368 mm x 220 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Fasenwinkel (austauschbare Fräse)</td><td>30°, 37,5°, 45°, 50°, 60° </td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Vorschub</td><td>Handgeführt </td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "28 kg","Max. Fasenbreite": "0 mm - 5 mm","Motorleistung": "2500 W","Rundungsradius": "2.5 mm","Rundungsradius": "3.5 mm","Rundungsradius": "4 mm","Drehzahl": "6600 U/min: ","Maße": "443 mm x 368 mm x 220 mm"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
43 (array):
name = 'durchmesser'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = '2.5 mm'
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
130997 (array):
product (array):
id = '130997'
productMainId = '108444'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-015465-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1900'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '482489'
productText (array):
id = '852706'
productId = '130997'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Bevelling Solver'
name = 'BSC UZ-Line'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7711353">Tragbarer Rechner f&uuml;r Schnittberechnung </li><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7711353">Kompatibel mit UZ - Anfasmaschinen </li><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7711353">Einfache Bedienung dank Touchscreen, Mehrsprachigkeit und Gummischutzh&uuml;lle </li><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7711353">USB-Schnittstelle f&uuml;r das Updates </li><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7711353">Klartextanzeige </li><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7711353">Ausgestattet mit Magneten zur Befestigung an Maschinengeh&auml;use</li><li data-sortnum="100,00" data-textid="7561261"><strong>Lieferumfang:</strong></li><ul><li data-sortnum="101,00" data-textid="7711354" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Ger&auml;t</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Tragbarer Rechner für Schnittberechnung</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '130997'
(private) productMainId = '108444'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-015465-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1900'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '482489'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 399.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 474.81
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 399.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '268172'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098126.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4259871'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501329818'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-23 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 399.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 75.810000000000002
total = 474.81
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-23 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 399.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 75.810000000000002
total = 474.81
productName = 'Bevelling Solver'
produktbezeichnung = 'Tragbarer Schnittrechner für UZ-Linie'
price = 399.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '268172'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0098126.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4259871'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-12 10:35:11" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="481723"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>0.3 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Maße</td><td>170 mm x 96 mm x 44 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Auflösung</td><td>320 x 480 </td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Betriebstemperatur</td><td>10 - 35 °C</td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Stromspannung</td><td>DC 5V / 500 mA </td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "0.3 kg","Maße": "170 mm x 96 mm x 44 mm"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133986 (array):
product (array):
id = '133986'
productMainId = '110809'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017517-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '30010'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487535'
productText (array):
id = '855929'
productId = '133986'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Column Stinger 300'
name = 'Column Stinger 300'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795960">St&auml;nder Stinger 300</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795961">F&uuml;r den station&auml;ren Einsatz notwendig</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Ständer Stinger 300</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133986'
(private) productMainId = '110809'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017517-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '30010'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487535'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 312.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 371.27999999999997
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 312.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271122'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099125.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275167'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 312.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 59.280000000000001
total = 371.27999999999997
productName = 'Column Stinger 300'
produktbezeichnung = 'Ständer Stinger 300'
price = 312.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271122'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099125.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275167'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133991 (array):
product (array):
id = '133991'
productMainId = '110812'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017783-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '607-07'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487543'
productText (array):
id = '855934'
productId = '133991'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Cutting attachment Stinger 300'
name = 'Cutting attachment Stinger 300'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795967">Schneideinsatz Rohrschr&auml;gsteller</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795968">Erm&ouml;glicht das Anfasen von Rohren mittels Stinger 300</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Schneideinsatz Rohrschrägsteller</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133991'
(private) productMainId = '110812'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017783-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '607-07'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487543'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 49.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 58.310000000000002
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 49.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271125'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099128.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275195'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501330308'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-02-05 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 49.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 9.3100000000000005
total = 58.310000000000002
productName = 'Cutting attachment Stinger 300'
produktbezeichnung = 'Schneideinsatz Rohrschrägsteller'
price = 49.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271125'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099128.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275195'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-21 16:58:46" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="487100"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>0.5 kg</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "0.5 kg"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133985 (array):
product (array):
id = '133985'
productMainId = '110808'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017516-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '30007'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487533'
productText (array):
id = '855928'
productId = '133985'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Easylock Stinger 300'
name = 'Easylock Tool holder Stinger 300'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795958">Werkzeughalter</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795959">Passend f&uuml;r Stinger 300 </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795959">F&uuml;r einfaches und schnelles Einspannen der Schneidwerkzeuge </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795959">Eingebaute Skala zur genauen Zentrierung der Schneidwerkzeuge</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Werkzeughalter</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133985'
(private) productMainId = '110808'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017516-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '30007'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487533'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 665.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 791.35000000000002
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 665.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271121'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099124.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275159'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 665.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 126.34999999999999
total = 791.35000000000002
productName = 'Easylock Stinger 300'
produktbezeichnung = 'Werkzeughalter'
price = 665.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271121'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099124.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275159'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133987 (array):
product (array):
id = '133987'
productMainId = '110810'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017518-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '30008'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487537'
productText (array):
id = '855930'
productId = '133987'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Elektromotor Stinger 300'
name = 'Electric motor Stinger 300'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795962">1800 W - Elektromotor f&uuml;r Stinger 300</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795963">Mit Drehzahlregelung </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795963">MK3 - Klemmung</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>1800 W - Elektromotor für Stinger 300</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133987'
(private) productMainId = '110810'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017518-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '30008'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487537'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 877.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1043.6300000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 877.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271123'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099126.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275175'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501330280'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 877.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 166.63
total = 1043.6300000000001
productName = 'Elektromotor Stinger 300'
produktbezeichnung = 'Elektromotor Stinger 300'
price = 877.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271123'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099126.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275175'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-14 16:06:22" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="487448"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>15 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Leistung_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Motorleistung</td><td><span title="">1800 W</span> </td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "15 kg","Motorleistung": "1800 W"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133958 (array):
product (array):
id = '133958'
productMainId = '110792'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017473-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25903'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487483'
productText (array):
id = '855901'
productId = '133958'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Feed Wheel UZ30'
name = 'Feed Wheel UZ30'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7815721">Vorschubrad</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795818">Passend f&uuml;r UZ30 EXPRESS</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Vorschubrad</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133958'
(private) productMainId = '110792'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017473-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25903'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487483'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 554.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 659.25999999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 554.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271105'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099108.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275000'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-02 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 554.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 105.26000000000001
total = 659.25999999999999
productName = 'Feed Wheel UZ30'
produktbezeichnung = 'Vorschubrad'
price = 554.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271105'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099108.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275000'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133971 (array):
product (array):
id = '133971'
productMainId = '110803'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017503-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1948'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487514'
productText (array):
id = '855914'
productId = '133971'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'feed wheel UZ50'
name = 'feed wheel UZ50'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795871">Vorschubrad</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7815643">Passend f&uuml;r UZ50 TRIUMPH</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Vorschubrad</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133971'
(private) productMainId = '110803'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017503-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1948'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487514'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 300.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 357.0
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 300.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271116'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099119.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275108'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 300.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 57.0
total = 357.0
productName = 'feed wheel UZ50'
produktbezeichnung = 'Vorschubrad'
price = 300.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271116'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099119.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275108'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133918 (array):
product (array):
id = '133918'
productMainId = '110769'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017011-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25312'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 've'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487403'
productText (array):
id = '855861'
productId = '133918'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Grinding rings B10, B15, grain 40'
name = 'Grinding rings B10, B15, grain 40'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7794516">Schleifzylinder Korn 40</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7794517">Passend f&uuml;r Schleifkopfadapter </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7794517">Zum Planschleifen von Werkst&uuml;ckkanten und Bohrungen mit B10 ELECTRA, B15 ELECTRA und B15 AIR</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Schleifzylinder Korn 40</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133918'
(private) productMainId = '110769'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017011-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25312'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 've'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487403'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 0.93999999999999995
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1.1185999999999998
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 0.93999999999999995
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271082'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099076.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274711'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-08-28 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 0.93999999999999995
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 0.17859999999999998
total = 1.1185999999999998
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-08-28 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 0.93999999999999995
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 0.17859999999999998
total = 1.1185999999999998
productName = 'Grinding rings B10, B15, grain 40'
produktbezeichnung = 'Schleifzylinder Korn 40'
price = 0.93999999999999995
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271082'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099076.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274711'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133928 (array):
product (array):
id = '133928'
productMainId = '110777'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017453-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '29206'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487429'
productText (array):
id = '855871'
productId = '133928'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Griff B22'
name = 'Grip B22'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795564">Verstellbarer Griff f&uuml;r B22 ZERO</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795565">Mehr Flexibilit&auml;t und bessere Handhabung</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Verstellbarer Griff für B22 ZERO</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133928'
(private) productMainId = '110777'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017453-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '29206'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487429'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 46.399999999999999
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 55.216000000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 46.399999999999999
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271090'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099091.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274830'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501329972'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-10-27 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 46.399999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 8.8160000000000007
total = 55.216000000000001
productName = 'Griff B22'
produktbezeichnung = 'Griff B22'
price = 46.399999999999999
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271090'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099091.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274830'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-21 22:10:55" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="487064"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>0.5 kg</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "0.5 kg"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
134085 (array):
product (array):
id = '134085'
productMainId = '110898'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017665-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1926'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '489425'
productText (array):
id = '856029'
productId = '134085'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Kit UZ12'
name = 'Kit UZ12, 22,5°'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795575">Austauschbarer Anfaswinkel</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795576">Verf&uuml;gbar in Winkel 22,5&deg;, 30&deg;, 37,5&deg;, 45&deg;, 50&deg; </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795576">Besser geeignet zum Anfasen von d&uuml;nnen Blechen</li><li data-sortnum="80,00" data-textid="7795577">Geringe Kosten durch austauschbare Eins&auml;tze</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Austauschbarer Anfaswinkel</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '134085'
(private) productMainId = '110898'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017665-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1926'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '489425'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 479.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 570.00999999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 479.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271094'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099094.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274874'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501330423'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-04-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 479.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 91.010000000000005
total = 570.00999999999999
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-04-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 479.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 91.010000000000005
total = 570.00999999999999
productName = 'Kit UZ12'
produktbezeichnung = 'Austauschbarer Anfaswinkel'
price = 479.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271094'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099094.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274874'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>22,5°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>30°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>37,5°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
3 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>45°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
4 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>50°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Ausführung": "22,5°"}'
1 = '{"Ausführung": "30°"}'
2 = '{"Ausführung": "37,5°"}'
3 = '{"Ausführung": "45°"}'
4 = '{"Ausführung": "50°"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
3 = '<p/>'
4 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
1 = null
2 = null
3 = null
4 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
134090 (array):
product (array):
id = '134090'
productMainId = '110899'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017465-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1966'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '489439'
productText (array):
id = '856034'
productId = '134090'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Kit UZ29'
name = 'Kit UZ29 Speeder 22,5°'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795751">Austauschbarer Anfaswinkel</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795752">Verf&uuml;gbar in Winkel 22,5&deg;, 30&deg;, 37,5&deg;, 45&deg;, 50&deg; </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795752">Besser geeignet zum Anfasen von d&uuml;nnen Blechen</li><li data-sortnum="80,00" data-textid="7795753">Geringe Kosten durch austauschbare Eins&auml;tze </li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Austauschbarer Anfaswinkel</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '134090'
(private) productMainId = '110899'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017465-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1966'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '489439'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2790.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 3320.0999999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2790.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271102'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099105.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274974'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501330458'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-04-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2790.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 530.10000000000002
total = 3320.0999999999999
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-04-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2790.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 530.10000000000002
total = 3320.0999999999999
productName = 'Kit UZ29'
produktbezeichnung = 'Austauschbarer Anfaswinkel'
price = 2790.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271102'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099105.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274974'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>22,5°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>30°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>37,5°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
3 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>45°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
4 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>50°</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Ausführung": "22,5°"}'
1 = '{"Ausführung": "30°"}'
2 = '{"Ausführung": "37,5°"}'
3 = '{"Ausführung": "45°"}'
4 = '{"Ausführung": "50°"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
3 = '<p/>'
4 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
1 = null
2 = null
3 = null
4 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133902 (array):
product (array):
id = '133902'
productMainId = '110761'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017049-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '18654'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487109'
productText (array):
id = '855845'
productId = '133902'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'MAG BRUSH'
name = 'MAG BRUSH'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7794279">Magnetischer Stab</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7794965">Zum Aufsammeln und Freigeben von Metallsp&auml;nen </li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7794965">Klein und einfach zu bedienen</li><li data-sortnum="50,00" data-textid="7794966">F&uuml;r mehr Sicherheit am Industriearbeitsplatz</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Magnetischer Stab</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133902'
(private) productMainId = '110761'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017049-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '18654'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487109'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 33.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 39.269999999999996
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 33.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271076'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099069.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274360'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501329841'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-09-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 33.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 6.2699999999999996
total = 39.269999999999996
productName = 'MAG BRUSH'
produktbezeichnung = 'Magnetischer Stab'
price = 33.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271076'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099069.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274360'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-16 19:34:43" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="486561"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>1 kg</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "1 kg"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133903 (array):
product (array):
id = '133903'
productMainId = '110762'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-014429-00000'
manufacturerProductId = 'NMF0107'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487111'
productText (array):
id = '855846'
productId = '133903'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Mag Brush Maxx Large'
name = 'Mag Brush Maxx Large'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7601096">Magnetische Kehrmaschine</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601097">Zum Aufsammeln von unerw&uuml;nschten Metallsp&auml;nen, N&auml;geln, Dr&auml;hten, Schrauben usw. </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601097">Das aufgenommene Material kann durch das Ziehen eines Griffteils wieder freigegeben werden </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601097">Verstellbare Arbeitsh&ouml;he dank Teleskopstange </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7601097">F&uuml;r den Innen- und Au&szlig;enbereich einsetzbar</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Magnetische Kehrmaschine</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133903'
(private) productMainId = '110762'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014429-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'NMF0107'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487111'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 65.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 77.349999999999994
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 65.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '253934'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0094006.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4235567'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 65.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 12.35
total = 77.349999999999994
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 65.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 12.35
total = 77.349999999999994
productName = 'Mag Brush Maxx Large'
produktbezeichnung = 'Magnetische Kehrmaschine'
price = 65.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '253934'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0094006.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4235567'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133983 (array):
product (array):
id = '133983'
productMainId = '110807'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017538-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '30006'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487531'
productText (array):
id = '855926'
productId = '133983'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Mandrel for Stinger 300'
name = 'Mandrel A Stinger 300, 86 - 269 mm'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795956">Zentrierdorn</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795957">Zum Einspannen der Anfasmaschine </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795957">Dorn A: Geeignet f&uuml;r Innendurchmesser von 86 mm bis 269 mm </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795957">Dorn B: Geeignet f&uuml;r Innendurchmesser von 36 mm bis 86 mm</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Zentrierdorn</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133983'
(private) productMainId = '110807'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017538-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '30006'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487531'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 1870.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2225.3000000000002
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 1870.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271120'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099123.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275151'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501330263'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-14 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1870.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 355.30000000000001
total = 2225.3000000000002
productName = 'Mandrel for Stinger 300'
produktbezeichnung = 'Zentrierdorn'
price = 1870.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271120'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099123.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275151'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-11 13:03:22" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="487067"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'HW_Ausfuehrung_1\'><td class=\'td1\'>Ausführung</td><td><span title="">Dorn A</span> </td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '<table class="detail_table"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">Ausführung</td><td>Dorn B</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Ausführung": "Dorn A"}'
1 = '{"Ausführung": "Dorn B"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
1 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
1 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133926 (array):
product (array):
id = '133926'
productMainId = '110775'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017452-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '29204'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487424'
productText (array):
id = '855869'
productId = '133926'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Pipe attachment B22'
name = 'Pipe attachment B22, 150mm'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7794989">Rohranfasvorrichtung</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7794990">Rohradapter zum Anfasen von Rohren </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7794990">Geeignet f&uuml;r Rohre mit einem Au&szlig;endurchmesser ab 150 mm</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Rohranfasvorrichtung</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133926'
(private) productMainId = '110775'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017452-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '29204'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487424'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 356.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 423.63999999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 356.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271088'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099088.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274808'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-10-27 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 356.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 67.640000000000001
total = 423.63999999999999
productName = 'Pipe attachment B22'
produktbezeichnung = 'Rohranfasvorrichtung'
price = 356.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271088'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099088.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274808'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
129263 (array):
product (array):
id = '129263'
productMainId = '107050'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-014475-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1919'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '476380'
productText (array):
id = '846706'
productId = '129263'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Pipe beveling attachement UZ12'
name = 'Pipe beveling attachement UZ12'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7601017">Abstandhalter zum Schleifen von Werkzeugen</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Abstandhalter zum Schleifen von Werkzeugen</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '129263'
(private) productMainId = '107050'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014475-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1919'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '476380'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 17.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 20.23
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 17.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '253933'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0094005.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4235553'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 17.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 3.23
total = 20.23
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 17.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 3.23
total = 20.23
productName = 'Pipe beveling attachement UZ12'
produktbezeichnung = 'Abstandhalter zum Schleifen von Werkzeugen'
price = 17.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '253933'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0094005.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4235553'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133957 (array):
product (array):
id = '133957'
productMainId = '110791'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017472-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25902'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487481'
productText (array):
id = '855900'
productId = '133957'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Pipe device UZ30'
name = 'Pipe device UZ30, 102-156 mm'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795801">Rohrvorrichtung</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795802">Passend f&uuml;r UZ30 EXPRESS </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795802">Zum schnellen Entgraten und Anfasen von Rohren </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795802">Geeignet f&uuml;r Rohrdurchmesser von 102 - 156 mm </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795802">Einfache Handhabung</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Rohrvorrichtung</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133957'
(private) productMainId = '110791'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017472-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25902'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487481'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 987.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 1174.53
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 987.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271104'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099107.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274992'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-02 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 987.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 187.53
total = 1174.53
productName = 'Pipe device UZ30'
produktbezeichnung = 'Rohrvorrichtung'
price = 987.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271104'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099107.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274992'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133998 (array):
product (array):
id = '133998'
productMainId = '110818'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017592-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '24203'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487623'
productText (array):
id = '855941'
productId = '133998'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'PNEUMATIC SET B2'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7796580">PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7796581">Passend f&uuml;r B2 AIR </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7796581">Ausgestattet mit Filter, Regler, Schmiereinheit und Schnellkupplung </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7796581">Schlauchl&auml;nge 10 m</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133998'
(private) productMainId = '110818'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017592-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '24203'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487623'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 199.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 236.81
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 199.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271130'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099138.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275334'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-12-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 199.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 37.810000000000002
total = 236.81
productName = 'PNEUMATIC SET B2'
produktbezeichnung = 'PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung'
price = 199.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271130'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099138.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275334'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133930 (array):
product (array):
id = '133930'
productMainId = '110779'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017444-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '27221'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487433'
productText (array):
id = '855873'
productId = '133930'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Pneumatic Set B15'
name = 'Pneumatic Set B15'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795567">PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7795569">Passend f&uuml;r B15 AIR, B15 AIR-S </li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7795569">Ausgestattet mit Filter, Regler und Schmiereinheit</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7795570">Schlauchl&auml;nge 10 m</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133930'
(private) productMainId = '110779'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017444-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '27221'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487433'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 237.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 282.02999999999997
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 237.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271092'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099084.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274778'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-10-27 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 237.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 45.030000000000001
total = 282.02999999999997
productName = 'Pneumatic Set B15'
produktbezeichnung = 'PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung'
price = 237.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271092'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099084.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274778'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133919 (array):
product (array):
id = '133919'
productMainId = '110770'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017442-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25311'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487405'
productText (array):
id = '855862'
productId = '133919'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Roll for grinding head'
name = 'Roll for grinding head'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7794522">Ersatzschleifrolle f&uuml;r Schleifkopfadapter</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Ersatzschleifrolle für Schleifkopfadapter</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133919'
(private) productMainId = '110770'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017442-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25311'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487405'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 7.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 8.3300000000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 7.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271083'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099078.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274732'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501329919'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-10-27 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 7.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 1.3300000000000001
total = 8.3300000000000001
productName = 'Roll for grinding head'
produktbezeichnung = 'Ersatzschleifrolle für Schleifkopfadapter'
price = 7.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271083'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099078.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4274732'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-12 01:45:02" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="486557"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>0.02 kg</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "0.02 kg"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
134095 (array):
product (array):
id = '134095'
productMainId = '110900'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017505-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1942'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '489451'
productText (array):
id = '856039'
productId = '134095'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'UZP30 Tischvorrichtung'
name = 'UZP30 additional table'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7815640">UZP30 Tischvorrichtung</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7815641">Zum Bearbeiten kleinerer Werkst&uuml;cke </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7815641">Maximale Fasenbreite 34 mm </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7815641">Mit automatischer Vorschub </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7815641">Nur in Verwendung mit UZ50 Triumph</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>UZP30 Tischvorrichtung</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '134095'
(private) productMainId = '110900'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017505-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1942'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '489451'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 2270.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2701.3000000000002
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 2270.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271686'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099472.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4279368'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501330465'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 2270.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 431.30000000000001
total = 2701.3000000000002
productName = 'UZP30 Tischvorrichtung'
produktbezeichnung = 'UZP30 Tischvorrichtung'
price = 2270.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271686'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099472.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4279368'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-22 20:19:15" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="486567"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>28 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialstaerke_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Einsatzbereich Blechstärke</td><td>7 mm - 70 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Winkel_Grad_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Fasenwinkel</td><td>20 ° - 60 °</td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "28 kg","Einsatzbereich Blechstärke": "7 mm - 70 mm","Fasenwinkel": "20 ° - 60 °"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
133972 (array):
product (array):
id = '133972'
productMainId = '110804'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017504-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '1949'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487516'
productText (array):
id = '855915'
productId = '133972'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Vertical guide plate UZ50'
name = 'Vertical guide plate UZ50'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795872">Vertikale F&uuml;hrungsplatte UZ50</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795873">Zum Bearbeiten von Hardox-Materialien</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Vertikale Führungsplatte UZ50</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133972'
(private) productMainId = '110804'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017504-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1949'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487516'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 655.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 779.45000000000005
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 655.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271117'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099120.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275114'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-11-06 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 655.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 124.45
total = 779.45000000000005
productName = 'Vertical guide plate UZ50'
produktbezeichnung = 'Vertikale Führungsplatte UZ50'
price = 655.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271117'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099120.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275114'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
133992 (array):
product (array):
id = '133992'
productMainId = '110813'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-017784-00000'
manufacturerProductId = 'TORX_T15'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '487545'
productText (array):
id = '855935'
productId = '133992'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Wrench for Inserts Stinger 300'
name = 'Wrench for Inserts Stinger 300'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7795969">Schraubenschl&uuml;ssel</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795970">Zur Montage von Schneideins&auml;tzen </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795970">Mit Fahnengriff </li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7795970">Passend f&uuml;r Stinger 300</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Schraubenschlüssel</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '133992'
(private) productMainId = '110813'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017784-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'TORX_T15'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487545'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 6.2000000000000002
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 7.3780000000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 6.2000000000000002
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271126'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099129.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275203'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-02-05 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 6.2000000000000002
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 1.1779999999999999
total = 7.3780000000000001
productName = 'Wrench for Inserts Stinger 300'
produktbezeichnung = 'Schraubenschlüssel'
price = 6.2000000000000002
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '271126'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099129.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4275203'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
130560 (array):
product (array):
id = '130560'
productMainId = '108022'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-015455-00000'
manufacturerProductId = '25500'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '480815'
productText (array):
id = '852254'
productId = '130560'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'XPIPE'
name = 'XPIPE'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7700951">Rohranfassystem</li><li data-sortnum="5,00" data-textid="7700952">Einfache und schnelle Bearbeitung von Rohren ab &Oslash; 85 mm</li><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="7700953">Der maximale Durchmesser des Rohres ist nicht begrenzt</li><li data-sortnum="15,00" data-textid="7700954">Kann auch auf flachen Materialien verwendet werden</li><li data-sortnum="20,00" data-textid="7700955">Pr&auml;zise und komfortable F&uuml;hrung um den Umfang des zu bearbeiteten Rohres oder entlang der Blechkante dank einzigartigem Mechanismus der Klemm- und F&uuml;hrungsrollen</li><li data-sortnum="25,00" data-textid="7700956">Konstanter Schnitt mit einem Minimum an m&ouml;glichen Vibrationen und somit eine kompromisslose Stabilit&auml;t des gew&auml;hlten Fasenwinkels</li><li data-sortnum="30,00" data-textid="7700957">Kontinuierliches Einstellen der Fasentiefe dank integrierter Skala</li><li data-sortnum="35,00" data-textid="7700958">Spezielle Lager, die einen R&uuml;ckschlag von sich n&auml;herndem Material verhindern f&uuml;r sicheres und komfortables Anfasen</li><li data-sortnum="40,00" data-textid="7700959">Sicherheitsabdeckung zum Schutz vor umherfliegenden Sp&auml;nen</li><li data-sortnum="50,00" data-textid="7700960">Ergonomischer, drehbarer Griff f&uuml;r Produktivit&auml;t und Sicherheit</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p code="DICT_TEXT">Rohranfassystem</p>'
deliveryScope = null
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '130560'
(private) productMainId = '108022'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-015455-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '25500'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '480815'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 1806.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 2149.1399999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 1806.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266235'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097765.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4256846'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266236'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097766.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4256848'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
attributes (array):
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
value = ''
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '7984097'
productAttributeId = '501329663'
43 (array):
name = 'durchmesser'
value = '2.5 mm'
unit = null
attributeId = '43'
attributeValueId = '6444'
productAttributeId = '501329660'
productPriceCollection (array):
0 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-23 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1806.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 343.13999999999999
total = 2149.1399999999999
1 (array):
type = 'date'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-06-23 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 1806.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 343.13999999999999
total = 2149.1399999999999
productName = 'XPIPE'
produktbezeichnung = 'Rohranfassystem XPIPE für B-LINE'
price = 1806.0
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266235'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097765.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4256846'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
1 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '266236'
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097766.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4256848'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBaseoldInstance = null
blocks (array):
PT_TD_lang (array):
0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-21 16:10:19" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD_Rohr" data-productid="480813"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>8.4 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Rundungsradius</td><td>2.5 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>3.5 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>4 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialstaerke_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Wandstärke Außendurchmesser</td><td>2.5 mm - 15 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialstaerke_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Wandstärke Innendurchmesser</td><td>5 mm - 15 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialstaerke_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Wandstärke bei Flachstahl</td><td>3 mm - 20 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Mindesteinspanntiefe</td><td>80 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Minimaler Innendurchmesser bei der Herstellung einer Außenfase</td><td>85 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Minimaler Innendurchmesser bei der Herstellung einer Innenfase</td><td>50 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Fasenwinkel (austauschbare Fräse)</td><td>30°, 45°, 60° </td></tr><tr data-fieldname="Feature_Coll"><td class="td1">Fasenbreite</td><td>10mm (B10 ELECTRA) / 15mm (B15 ELECTRA / B15 AIR) </td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Gewicht": "8.4 kg","Rundungsradius": "2.5 mm","Rundungsradius": "3.5 mm","Rundungsradius": "4 mm","Wandstärke Außendurchmesser": "2.5 mm - 15 mm","Wandstärke Innendurchmesser": "5 mm - 15 mm","Wandstärke bei Flachstahl": "3 mm - 20 mm","Mindesteinspanntiefe": "80 mm","Minimaler Innendurchmesser bei der Herstellung einer Außenfase": "85 mm","Minimaler Innendurchmesser bei der Herstellung einer Innenfase": "50 mm"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
43 (array):
name = 'durchmesser'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = '2.5 mm'
576 (array):
name = 'Hauptschweißverfahren'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = ''
vmCharacteristics (array):
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current mapping: categories